Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wait and weight

A few months ago I went through a plethora of tests ... the *oscopies* I like to call them. I had 'em all. Oh the joy.
But I survived and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. I don't handle the anaesthetics well, mostly because it takes so much to get me under, that I have a hard time comin' back around ... but all in all, I lived.
The worst part ... the waiting. I loathe the waiting. In fact, I am STILL WAITING. I had most of my test prior to school getting out (mid June) and yet I don't have an official appointment until next week. Does that seem odd?
I guess not when it comes to GI doctors, at least that is what I have been told. And ... well, I have nothing else to go on.
So, next week I find out something - I hope, I pray. I would love some answers.

and the WEIGHT. Hmmmm. Well, as if February I had lost over 100 pounds. Woohoo. It took me two solid years, but I did it. I maintained and lost the entire time, never gaining more than a pound or two for more than a few days.

Until this summer. Which is typical. For me at least. Somehow I seem to be opposite of most people. I tend to gain weight in the summer and lose it in the winter. I think it is because the kids are home and I get out of routine. This summer has been more festive than last ... more weddings, more parties; which means more food. And for me, less exercise.

So, this summer I have gain 6 pounds. Urgh. Urgh. Urgh. I know it doesn't sound like much, but for someone who gains weight so easily and has always been heavy - 6 can equal 20 or more before I know it. It has happened too many times before and I am afraid. I call it a healthy fear of regaining. But it is fear - plain and simple. I have just been through it too many times and I do not want to go back to that place. That heavy place.

But ... please, oh please, oh please ... I am hopeful that I will be able to get back on track and lose those 6 pounds (and the last 5 I wanted to lose before that) when school starts and my *routine* resumes.

Well, I can hope.

Once you choose hope, anything's possible. ~ Christopher Reeve


"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
Genesis 8:22

Monday, August 18, 2008

The days, they are a flyin' by.

How is it possibly mid-August?

How is it possible that summer is almost over? I am not done yet, there are too many things left to do. Too many places I want to go ... to take the kids. To explore.

How does it happen? Every single summer.

What have we done this summer?

We planted a beautiful garden.
Watched wonderful friends get married.
Attended various camps and youth activities.
Read A LOT!
Enjoyed the company of good friends. A LOT - but never enough.
Said good-bye to too many friends.
Saw whales in the ocean.
Watch DD2 perform magically in her second play.
Opened our home to some beautiful orphaned girls and were richly blessed.
Cooked more food than any family ought to.
Got more involved in our lovely church.
Catered a few great events.
Had the pleasure of hosting loved ones in our neck of the woods.

I guess we didn't do too badly ... especially since Ma and Pa still had to work through most of the summer.

Stlll ... I wish we had a little more time ...

"Dining with one's friends and beloved family is certainly one of life's primal and most innocent delights, one that is both soul-satisfying and eternal." - Julia Child

~ Nettie

When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? Isaiah 8:19

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Left behind

We have been left behind, and yet we are still included.

Daily messages are received and I am willing to bet, hoping even, that we - like they - are included in daily prayers. In fact, I am counting on it.

I can't suppress the glee that I feel when I open my email to find a message from theHplace. I know that they are okay, but yet I find great solace in the daily acknowledgement of that fact.

It is odd though, I want them to be healthy, safe, and happy - and yet at the same time my heart tugs when I realize that they are having fun with us. I feel so selfish in this. I know that I don't mean it in my heart ... but yet, there it is.

I am fortunate though. Unlike others, I have many ties that bind. I am taking care of important matters that are left behind when a family moves to a new Country. There are many. I had no idea. But I find great comfort in them.

This week we have slowed down a little. Our sweet visitors from Africa have long gone. DD2 has finished her marvelous drama production and my summer catering rush seems to have slowed. Not to worry though, I have now been taken over by the non-profit agency that I volunteer for.

DD1 is coming for a short visit next week ... it has been a long time since she has been here, so it should be interesting ... emotional ... strange. I don't know. Something indescribable.

Soul searching. That is what I am doing ... when do we stop that? When do we find the answer(s)?


But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs [Those who served as priests in Old Testament times.] as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises.
Hebrews 8:6