Thursday, March 1, 2007

Love, sweet love.

Oh how can I not talk about my babies. The big ones and the little ones.

The amaze me, each and every day. My heart swells with love for them ... I am thankful for the glorious gift God has given me, with each unique one of them.

Yesterday NB1 ran through the house singing How greeaattt is ouurrr God, Sing with ME, Hooowww greaaattt is Our God .... it just fills me with glee to hear my children sing about the Lord. I would have never imagined it when I first became a parent.

NB1 especially has a love for God. I am sure it is because she is the one who has spent most of her short life in the church. NB2 is still too young to express her love for Christ and DD's 1 & 2 ... well I think they are still getting used to the idea. But NB1 - that girl will tell you how it is! You had better Love God and be obedient to Him ... you had better say your prayers, and you had better listen to the Pastor when he talks (well, we're still working on that one ... she knows the rule - but .....). I have seen this sweet little girl tell a person that You Must Love God - He is our Savior. I fully expect her to be my Evangelical Preachin' Daughter. Seriously!

Parenting is a rough road, you all know that. Discipline is something I struggle with every day. Balancing lessons with perceived punishment ... making sure that they understand that there are consequences to their actions ... sometimes, like today, doing that breaks my heart.

The girls were really misbehaving tonight - they were supposed to be taking a bath and instead they got into a *powder fight* ... which was one thing ... but it was in my room & bathroom, and ended up all over everything - and I do mean everything. There was other stuff too, but I won't get into that here ... suffice to say, I was mighty upset.

It was hard on my heart to discipline them ... I think I did it in a loving and yet firm manner ... but this is a challenging area for me. I did explain that even when they have frustrated me beyond belief I love them with all my heart ... and that this is how God loves us ... I know that I covered all the right points, but still there was punishment (things taken away) which made them sooo sad, which in turn, saddens me.

The right thing doesn't always feel right.

Blessings and Happy March!


“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”- Job 23:10-11


Sharon Brumfield said...

Good to have you back-- I keep popping in to see something fresh. Know what you mean about the whole discipline thing. My son was a hard one-- my daughter all you have to do is look at her hard and she dissolves into tears. Wonder if God hurts when he has to discipline us?

Sharon Brumfield said...

Just checking in-haven't seen a post in awhile. Hope you are doing good. Will check back later to see if you have returned. Smile

Sharon Brumfield said...

Hello I can't hear you? I keep coming back--and nope, nothing new. Where did you go?