Saturday, January 27, 2007

I have something to say.

At least that is what my husband said.

My husband is not what you would call ... computer savvy. So I was surprised when he asked me a few weeks ago, if I had a blog. Normally he stumbles with the technical terms associated with computers, and especially the internet ... so I was stunned that he knew what a blog was.

When I responded that I did not have a blog, but did enjoy reading them, he surprised me once again. He said 'you have something to say; something of importance. Something that could help others if you could reach them.'

Wow. Quite a statement ... from a guy who thinks people spend too much time on the computer - myself included. And what a vote of confidence ... for him to think that I might be able to influence people from my kitchen table ...

So, here I am. It took me some time. I needed to understand what it is I have to offer … in writing. In person, it’s a bit easier; I nurturer and encourage others easily, I readily offer up some good food to those in need, I can provide respite for a mom on the edge. All pretty tangible things.

But writing, that’s a different story … I am not a writer, at least not in my mind. I am not really a talker either ... and actually I am not a good sharer ... at least not when it comes to my life and feelings.

So you can see why I needed to understand where this was going.

In addition to that, and more importantly, I had to know what God would like me to say. That is tricky stuff for me. You see, I fairly new to this whole Christianity thing; I have gone through life believing in Jesus, but only recently (July 17, 2005) began my relationship with Him. I have been dubbed a baby Christian, a new believer, or Beginner Christian … all fairly appropriate titles.

Hence, I am still learning to include God in my decision making process … admittedly, I have not yet mastered that skill – not even close! I do, however, find myself surrounded by people who have and I marvel in their contentment, their peace when a decision or choice is arrived at.

And there you have it … my forum.

My journey of falling in love and remaining in love with Jesus, including Him in my daily thoughts, decisions, choices, activities … my feeble attempts to incorporate Him in everything I do … my edification in the Word … my desire to be as forgiving as I have been forgiven … my knowledge that simply accepting Christ does not equal a simple life.

I have no doubt that there are others who believed that once they accepted Christ it was going to be smooth sailing, happy times ... sunshine and rainbows, I like to say ... yea, um not so much. The tough stuff is still there, the challenges don't go away, and bad things still happen - the difference is ... now, you are not in it alone.

Say it with me: I AM NOT ALONE. Whew, isn't that a terrific thing.

But, I forget that sometimes, we all do. I slip back into old patterns, I hang on to deep-rooted hurts and doubts like a tattered blanket ... this causes me to doubt my value to Jesus, how could He possibly love a failure like me?

Well, I could go on and on … I guess I have no trouble writing … whether it is interesting is up to you.

It has been an interesting journey thus far … I have no doubt that it will continue to be a rocky road … come on along, if you like.

Most Sincerely,
